George Bowen of Bombay


Missionary to India from 1847 to 1888 who never returned to his home in New York, USA. Through his pen he influenced his generation around the world and still does to this day.

  • Author: Robert E. Speer
  • Cover Type: paperback
  • Number of Pages: 510
  • ISBN: 978˗1˗932774˗85˗6

94 in stock (can be backordered)



Few men have been such a living embodiment of the love of Jesus as American missionary, George Bowen of Bombay! Converted from atheism to Christianity through both the love and tragic death of a good woman, he relinquished his salary and rented rooms near a Bombay market where he lived frugally for forty years. Supporting himself by his income as editor of the Bombay Guardian, he tirelessly witnessed whenever and wherever he could to the transforming power of Jesus. Such was his devotion that he never returned to his native land. It is little wonder that he became known as “The White Saint of India.”
A gifted linguist and author, Bowen doubtless influenced even more lives through his writings than by personal witness. He was surprised one day by a visit from the Prince of Wales to his humble Bombay lodging with a personal message from Queen Victoria, that his books, Love Revealed, Daily Meditations, and Verily, Verily had brought her great blessing. True to character, Bowen made no mention of this in his “Reminiscences.”

One of the great missionaries to have impacted my life is George Bowen. His life was a powerful example, and his book, Love Revealed, is one of the greatest books on Christ I’ve ever read.”—David Wilkerson, “World Challenge Pulpit Series,” December 19, 2005.

Additional Information

Weight 1.6 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1.3 in


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