February 5
The father heart of God
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him” (2 Chron. 16:9).
Thou God seest me” (Gen. 16:13).
God is not blind, or deaf, or indifferent, or indigent. He is not “the silent God” that some people in their self-conceit and wayward unbelief suppose. He knows how to be silent, and how to hide Himself from the proud in heart. But He cannot hide Himself anywhere in His big universe from childlike faith and pure, obedient, longsuffering, patient love.
—Samuel Logan Brengle.
O Father-Eye, that hath so truly watched;
O Father-Hand that hath so gently led;
O Father-Heart, that by my prayer is touched—
That loved me first, when I was cold and dead.
Still do Thou lead me on, with faithful care,
The narrow path to Heaven, where I would go;
And train me for the life that waits me there,
Alike through love and loss, through weal and woe.
—From the German Hymn.