May 15

Keep in touch with God

“I being in the way, the Lord led me” (Gen. 24:27).
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14).

“In the way”—God’s purpose and plan for your life and mine. How important it is that we make it our business to be “in the way” so that the great purposes of God for our lives might be fulfilled. It is only as His Holy Spirit is followed that we will be prompted to little acts of usefulness and blessing; otherwise, our lives are filled up with trifles that self prompts to be done. Time taken for quiet alone with God will give us the chance to hear what He would have us to do, and thus we, “being in the way,” the Lord can guide and lead us to take His messages to needy souls.

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