Royal Insignia by Edwin & Lillian Harvey

MALCOLM Muggeridge was a searcher after truth for many years. In the course of this search, he traveled to Russia in order to explore the possibilities of Communism, only to be bitterly disappointed and disillusioned. Finally, he found in Christ the End of his search and exhorts us thus: “Let us as Christians rejoice that we see around us on every hand the decay of the institutions and instruments of power; intimations of empires falling to pieces, money in total disarray, dictators and parliamentarians alike nonplussed by the confusion and conflicts which encompass them.

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Royal Insignia, Edwin & Lillian Harvey, Harvey Christian Publishers Inc.

Are we often tempted to think, in the depth of our hearts, that perhaps, after all, God is not quite enough. So many self-sufficient people seem successful while those who trust in the Lord often appear to be just that little bit behind the times. Is God really and truly sufficient for every situation and for every need? Our Lord died an apparent failure, discredited by the leaders of established religion, rejected by society, and forsaken by His friends. The man who ordered Him to the cross was the successful statesman whose hand the ambitious hack politician kissed. It took the Resurrection to demonstrate how gloriously Christ had triumphed and how tragically the governor had failed. —A. W. Tozer. p. 30

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