The Royal Series
The Royal Exchange, Royal Counsel and Royal Purposes are the first three books in the “Royal” series and were among the first books written and compiled by E. F. & L. Harvey.They were published in the 1960′s. Each book contains thirty-one short readings—one for every day of the month. Royal Exchange is on the subject of prayer, Royal Counsel on the Word of God, and Royal Purposes on the purposes of God in suffering. Then came Royal Insignia in 1992. It is a much larger book—one hundred two-page readings on humility, the badge of every true believer in Christ. It is perhaps the most widely read of all the series and is considered a classic on the subject of humility. Finally, Royal Pilgrimage was published in 1999 and emphasizes the fact that all followers of Christ are pilgrims and strangers on this earth. Their citizenship is in Heaven.
The Royal Series are published by Harvey Christian Publishers and are available in their Online Christian Bookstore.