Vittoria Colonna was then forty-six years of age and had the reputation of possessing all that can make a woman famous and glorious―wealth and high rank, learning and wit, enlightened piety and most unfeigned goodness. To describe her claims to honor would be like reciting a page out of some heraldic history and then enlarging on the subject in the choicest images of fair and perfect womanhood taken from Petrarch and Spenser. The Colonnas, as everybody knows, were one of the most famous families in Italian history. Her father, Fabrizio, Duke of Palleano, was a great soldier; her husband, Francesco d’Avaloro, Marchese di Pescara, had had perhaps a still greater reputation. Vittoria had loved them tenderly, but with something of the Roman matron. She knew their trade was fighting, and was well schooled to all the chances of such a life.

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