Salute to a Mill Girl

The gray-haired, red-tabbed general leaned back in his chair, a broad smile instead of the usual disciplinary frown on his face. “Now there’s a woman!” he chuckled.
The aide bent forward respectfully to catch his remark.
“I tell you my staff worries would be much fewer if only I had a Chippendale on this headquarters,” he went on.
The rest of the staff smiled a shade wanly. Another of the general’s little jokes! Of course, there was no denying that this Chippendale person was a goer. If all Salvation Army folk were like her, no wonder they got things done. Her combination of utter frankness and disarming tact were positively irresistible. Not that she played upon her femininity. Too much good sense for that. Her strong suit was that she knew her stuff and could put it over. That won her a respectful hearing everywhere.

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