Mildred Cable and Eva and Francesca French . . . have accomplished missionary journeys more thrilling and amazing than any story-writer would have dared to invent. They here explain how they came together under the guidance of God.
Far away, in the interior of China, Eva French and Mildred Cable were living together in happy companionship. There had been those who prophesied trouble when one with so much driving force was put to work with another undoubtedly characterized by indomitable will power. “When there is a serious difference of opinion who will carry the day?” they asked. Many watched for the inevitable clash, and they watched in vain. Peace and harmony reigned in the busy home whose two occupants seemed made to complement each other. One contributed a fresh fount of ideas, which the other tested in the crucible of experience, and from the result arose developments which were to the benefit of all.

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