There are many distinctions made in the world which divide mankind into groups and classes. Through our social contacts and the news media, we become aware of race discrimination and especially where it pertains to color. Then there is the distinction of class which is judged by wealth, education and culture. There are sex discriminations which legislation endeavors to correct by insuring equal rights and equal pay for the female as for male. There are innumerable divisions created by religious denominations ─groupings which are very confusing to the average man and woman.
But there is really only one distinction which the Bible recognizes─that between the family of Adam and the family of Jesus Christ. The words “generation” or “seed” will occur frequently through this study as these are Bible terms.
The basis for this study is in the first three chapters of Genesis (the first book of the Bible). Read these chapters over at least three times to familiarize yourself with the story of creation and the fall of man.
After the story of creation, the Word of God opens with a statement in Genesis 5:1 which introduces the remainder of the Old Testament with the genealogy followed by the history of Adam’s family during the period of almost 4,000 years. The New Testament opens with almost identical words but introduces us to the Last Adam, Jesus Christ, the Head of a new family. This course material is free and not to be confused with other material for sale in our Family Christian Store.


Welcome to the Two Families Correspondence Course

We are glad to make your acquaintance, and we trust that this course of study will bring you to a deeper understanding of God’s purpose for your existence, resulting in a more perfect relationship within the family of God.  We trust you will ask any question which this study might raise in your mind.  We will seek to answer you to the best of our ability.

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