There are many distinctions made in the world which divide mankind into groups and classes. Through our social contacts and the news media, we become aware of race discrimination and especially where it pertains to color. Then there is the distinction of class which is judged by wealth, education and culture. There are sex discriminations which legislation endeavors to correct by insuring equal rights and equal pay for the female as for male. There are innumerable divisions created by religious denominations ─groupings which are very confusing to the average man and woman.
But there is really only one distinction which the Bible recognizes─that between the family of Adam and the family of Jesus Christ. The words “generation” or “seed” will occur frequently through this study as these are Bible terms.
The basis for this study is in the first three chapters of Genesis (the first book of the Bible). Read these chapters over at least three times to familiarize yourself with the story of creation and the fall of man.
After the story of creation, the Word of God opens with a statement in Genesis 5:1 which introduces the remainder of the Old Testament with the genealogy followed by the history of Adam’s family during the period of almost 4,000 years. The New Testament opens with almost identical words but introduces us to the Last Adam, Jesus Christ, the Head of a new family. This course material is free and not to be confused with other material for sale in our Family Christian Store.

Lesson 5D ─ Death Results In Resurrection

Throughout these lessons we have dealt with the aspect of death, and so are glad to pass on to the wonderful resultant truth of the resurrection where we walk in newness of life in Christ. There are very many Scriptures which bear out this message of death and resurrection. They are always together, these two words. In Romans 6 alone, death is mentioned eighteen times and life or live seven times. We want to look at three verses in Romans 6 and wish you to write out the verses in the lines below and encircle the words or group of words that depict the resurrection and put a square around the words depicting death.

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Lesson 5C ─ The Two Deaths

Our two previous lessons have dealt with this subject of “death.” Someone might well ask, Why dwell so long on the death side of this subject? We answer that it is because human nature is averse to looking at the real facts. So often the painful route of repentance as the necessary fore-runner of the new birth is omitted or passed over lightly. Likewise, death to our Old Adam cannot be avoided or ignored if men and women are to be raised to newness of life. There must be death if there is to be resurrection.
The object God had in mind when He created man was to make him in His own image. This purpose was stated at the very outset of the history of man as recorded in the Bible.

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Lesson 5B ─ The Two Deaths

Some aspects of the first death and how it separated us from God, were discussed in our last lesson. We noted the dual nature of the young Christian, newly born-again, and how mutually antagonistic they are. Jesus certainly spoke the truth when He said, “No man can serve two masters.” We cannot be loyal to the first Adam, and at the same time be subject to the last Adam. One of them must be condemned to be executed. This Christ did when He went to the cross, nailing our old Adam to the tree.
The verdict of death was passed upon the entire Human family in that judicial sentence pronounced upon Adam’s race when God issued His first command and declared the punishment which would be meted out for disobedience. Let us look at the fearful judgment pronounced:

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Lesson 5A ─ The Two Deaths

In the last lesson, we studied about the “Two Births.” In this lesson we hope to discuss the “Two Deaths.” Let us first define simply the terms “life” and “death.”
A very frequently used definition for life is: “Life is a correspondence with one’s environment.” Death is a ceasing to correspond with one’s environment.
Look up the following words in your dictionary and write out in the spaces below the definition:

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Lesson 4 ─ The Two Dimensions

“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

In our last lesson, we studied seven Biblical terms describing the new birth. In this lesson we wish to explore the new kingdom into which this infant in grace has entered, and note the conditions of entry.
As the physical world is the natural environment into which every infant born of the first Adam emerges, so born again children of God enter the kingdom of which God is the environment of the soul with every requirement for full development abundantly supplied.

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Lesson 3b ─ The New Birth

“The key to Christianity is in the distinction between the two births.” One is a physical birth into the family of the first Adam, which the Bible describes as being “born of the flesh,” and the other is a spiritual birth into the family of God, termed “born of the Spirit.”

“That which is _______ of the flesh is ________, and that which is _______ of the Spirit is __________. Marvel not that I said unto you, ye ________________________” (John 3:6-7).

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Lesson 3a ─ The New Birth ─ What it is not!

We have seen that the Bible portrays two families or two seeds─the seed of the serpent, wholly evil; the seed of the woman, a goodly, holy seed.  In this lesson we learn that it is only by a second birth into this new family that man can ever hope to be accepted of God and fulfill God’s original intention for him─“that he might be holy and without blame before him in love” (Eph. 1:4).

Lesson 2a ─ The Seed of the Woman, the Last Adam

God said, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15).
Is it not amazing that God’s voice should be recorded so early in the Divine record, giving man the assurance that another and better Adam would come and that He would completely triumph over the seed of the serpent?  Only God could include in one very comprehensive statement the entire history of the two Adams.

Lesson 2 ─ The First Adam, Seed of the Serpent

We studied in our first lesson about the two families, each with its own head or father.  In this lesson, we wish to portray the natures of these two Adams and how these were transmitted to their posterity.  Thus, we may understand why it is so vital that we be translated from the one family into the other.
Genesis is “the seed plot” of the entire Scriptures.  In it there are seed thoughts which are sown and which we watch germinate and mature throughout the Bible so that in the last book we notice their fulfillment in harvest.
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Lesson 1 ─ Their Ancestry

There are many distinctions made in the world which divide mankind into groups and classes.  Through our social contacts and the news media, we become aware of race discrimination and especially where it pertains to color.  Then there is the distinction of class which is judged by wealth, education and culture.  There are sex discriminations which legislation endeavors to correct by insuring equal rights and equal pay for the female as for male.  There are innumerable divisions created by religious denominations ─groupings which are very confusing to the average man and woman.
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