Books on Prayer, Kneeling We Triumph

We of Harvey Christian Publishers are proud to present seven books dedicated to the subject of prayer. We are aware that there are many books on this subject currently available on today’s market, but ours are unique in that they contain many voices from different time periods, cultures, and denominational backgrounds, all harmonizing to present the same message: prayer is essential to the believer; prayer links us to our Creator and Sustainer and is our veritable lifeline at all times, in all places, and under every circumstance.

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Through the Door of Destitution—Royal Purposes

The first beatitude, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” is not exactly the kind of statement one hears on today’s media. To express one’s need, to acknowledge one’s lack—that does not seem the way to inherit anything, let alone a kingdom. Yet these words are Jesus’ words, our Lord and Master, God incarnate, Wisdom Incarnate, and they echo through the ages and knock at the doors of our hearts.

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Asking Father, Edwin and Lillian Harvey

Asking Father
We all lose things, especially as we get older. Children, too, not only lose things but are often inconsolable when they do. And then, to be accused of stealing the lost item, that is misery upon misery! In “Asking Father,” written by Edwin and Lillian Harvey, there is a story of just such a situation and how, through the prayer of faith uttered by a little girl the whole situation was turned around.
“Asking Father” is full of practical examples of how prayer changed things. Written for children, these stories inspire hope and trust in a God Who knows every detail of our lives. We live in a day when our faith needs renewal. Many Sunday School teachers as well as parents, have used this book to teach lessons in prayer. It is published by Harvey Christian Publishers and is available in their Online Christian Bookstore.

Isn’t “No” an answer?, Asking Father

We all want quick answers to our prayers but I think most of us realize pretty early on in our Christian walk that God works to a different “time-clock” than we do. For me, at least, it is much harder to accept the fact that sometimes His answers actually seem to spell “No” to our requests and that is a bitter pill to swallow.
In “Asking Father” written by Edwin and Lillian Harvey, there is a story entitled Isn’t “No” an answer? This tells of how Amy Carmichael, the now famous missionary and writer, asked God when a child to have her brown eyes replaced by blue. To her dismay, she awoke the next morning to find that her Father had not answered her prayer. She was to be stuck with brown eyes for the rest of her life. However, she also discovered that, had God answered her request, she would not have been able to rescue the temple children for blue eyes would have given her away immediately.
Read more about Amy in “Asking Father,” published by Harvey Christian Publishers and available in their Online Christian Bookstore.

The Royal Series

The Royal Series

The Royal Exchange, Royal Counsel and Royal Purposes are the first three books in the “Royal” series and were among the first books written and compiled by E. F. & L. Harvey.They were published in the 1960′s. Each book contains thirty-one short readings—one for every day of the month. Royal Exchange is on the subject of prayer, Royal Counsel on the Word of God, and Royal Purposes on the purposes of God in suffering. Then came Royal Insignia in 1992. It is a much larger book—one hundred two-page readings on humility, the badge of every true believer in Christ. It is perhaps the most widely read of all the series and is considered a classic on the subject of humility. Finally, Royal Pilgrimage was published in 1999 and emphasizes the fact that all followers of Christ are pilgrims and strangers on this earth. Their citizenship is in Heaven.

The Royal Series are published by Harvey Christian Publishers and are available in their Online Christian Bookstore.

How They Prayed

The books on prayer: “How They Prayed” by E. F. and L. Harvey.

“How They Prayed!” This is the title to a series of three books written by E. & L. Harvey and published by Harvey Christian Publishers and available on their online Christian bookstore. The words “How They Prayed” can be taken as a simple statement or an exclamation. As the former, we discover the manner in which “they prayed” and find encouragement and help to pray more effectively and constantly.

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How They Prayed Volume Three

How They Prayed Volume Three

This book on prayer published by Harvey Christian Publishers and written by Edwin and Lillian Harvey has a subtitle: “Missionaries and Revival.” The book tells of the role prayer prayed in various revivals, focusing in the latter half of the book on revivals abroad and how various missionaries prayed until God sent revival.

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How They Prayed Volume One

“How They Prayed Volume One”

“Prayers are deathless!” So wrote Lillian G. Harvey in foreword to “How They Prayed Volume One”, the first in a series published by Harvey Christian Publishers and written by Edwin and Lillian Harvey. This first volume tells of how family members prayed for each other–wives for their husbands and husbands for their wives; children for their parents and parents for their children.

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How They Prayed Volume Two

“How They Prayed Volume Two”

“How They Prayed Volume Two”, is the second book in a series by that title published by Harvey Christian Publishers and written by Edwin and Lillian Harvey. This second volume tells of how pastors prayed for their congregations. It relates stories of praying preachers from various denominational backgrounds and countries.

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Books on Prayer

Harvey Christian Publishers are able to present a variety of books on prayer by Edwin and Lillian Harvey. The best known of these are “Kneeling We Triumph” Volumes One and Two.  These each contain sixty two-page readings on prayer and have been translated into Russian, Romanian, Polish, and Spanish. They are challenging and comprehensive, covering many facets of the prayer-life, some not often touched upon in most books or sermons.

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