January 31
The fruitfulness of affliction
“The more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew” (Exod. 1:12).
“So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning” (Job 42:12).
The reason why we are led into trouble and out again is not merely that we may value happiness the more from having lost it once and found it again, but that we may bear upon our nature some impress which could not have been stamped except on natures just so softened to receive it. There stands your man who has been through some terrible experience and found relief. Perhaps it was a terrible sickness in which he was drawn back from the very gates of death. Perhaps it was some mighty task which the world seemed to single him out to do, to fail in which would have been ruin, and in which it seemed at one time certain that he must fail. Perhaps it was a midnight darkness that settled down over all truth, so that it seemed hopeless ever again to know anything truly of God or man.