February 23
Rations for the day’s march
“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord: in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up” (Psa. 5:3).
Every day should be commenced with God and upon the knees. He begins the day unwisely who leaves his chamber without a secret conference with his heavenly Father. The true Christian goes to his closet both for his panoply and his “rations” for the day’s march and its inevitable conflicts. As the Oriental traveler sets out for the sultry journey by loading up his camel under the palm tree’s shade, and by filling his flagons from the cool fountains that sparkle at its roots, so doth God’s wayfarer draw his fresh supply from the unexhausted spring. Morning is the golden time for devotion. The mercies of the night provoke to thankfulness. The buoyant heart that is in love with God makes his earlier flight like the lark towards the gates of Heaven. Gratitude, faith, dependent trust, all prompt to early interviews with Him Who, never slumbering Himself, waits on His throne for our morning orisons. No pressure of business nor household duties should crowd out prayer.—Theodore Cuyler.
Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him.
—James Hudson Taylor.
Most of us would do more for God if we would do less and spend more time in getting ready. When Luther had a specially busy and exciting day, he always allowed himself longer time than usual for his private devotions. A wise man once said he was too busy to be in a hurry; he meant that if he allowed himself to become hurried he could not do what he had to do. It is possible to have so much to do that we get nothing done. A workman would soon faint if he did not stop for meals. The mower must stop occasionally to sharpen his scythe, and it is just as necessary that busy workers should have quiet periods to renew their wasted strength and seek preparation for further usefulness and service.
(From New Testament Holiness by Thomas Cook. Used by permission of the Epworth Press).
“Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving” (Col. 4:2).